MSt tutor Sarah Bakewell’s new book At the Existentialist Cafe is to be published by Chatto & Windus on 3rd March, 2016.
“Paris, near the turn of 1933. Three young friends meet over apricot cocktails at the Bec-de-Gaz bar on the rue Montparnasse. They are Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and their friend Raymond Aron, who opens their eyes to a radical new way of thinking. Pointing to his drink, he says, “You can make philosophy out of this cocktail! …”
Read more about the book at
In a related event, Sarah and Nigel Warburton will be talking about “Philosophy in the Bookshop” at Blackwell’s bookshop in Oxford on Saturday 19 March, at 11.00 am