MSt tutor Alice Jolly’s “Mary Sate, Imbecile” shortlisted for the 2019 Rathbone Folio Prize

MSt tutor Alice Jolly’s Mary Sate, Imbecile (Unbound) has been short listed for the 2019 Rathbone Folio Prize. The winner will be announced on 20 May 2019, at the British Library. Read more about the Prize and the books shortlisted on the Rathbones Folio website (link below).
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MSt tutor Jenny Lewis with Jem Poster and Sue Leigh at the Oxford Literary Festival, Sun 7 April 2019

MSt tutor Jenny Lewis will be discussing her poetry with Professor Jem Poster and Oxford poet Sue Leigh at the Oxford Literary Festival on Sunday 7 April, 12.00-1.00pm, St Cross College.
From the announcement:

“Oxfordshire poets Jenny Lewis and Sue Leigh discuss their writing and its sources.

Lewis and Leigh have been working recently at opposite ends of the scale – Lewis on a vigorous version of the epic of Gilgamesh and Leigh on a collection of finely worked lyric poems – but they share a vision of the poet’s art as vocation and of the cultural importance of poetry itself.

Lewis is an Anglo-Welsh poet and playwright who teaches poetry at the University of Oxford. Her recent publications are Gilgamesh Retold, Fathom and Taking Mesopotamia. Leigh is a poet and writer based in Oxfordshire’s Windrush Valley. She teaches creative writing at the University of Oxford’s Department of Continuing Education. Her latest work is Chosen Hill.

Here they talk to poet, novelist and festival director of academic programmes Professor Jem Poster.”

More details below

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MSt tutor Roopa Farooki’s interview with St George’s, University of London, online

MSt tutor Roopa Farooki’s interview with St Georges’ for World Book Day and International Women’s Day about her new book series is available online.

From the interview:
International Women’s Day is an annual event which falls on 8 March each year. It has celebrated the achievements of women around the world since 1911. The theme for International Women’s Day 2019 is ‘Balance for Better’ to help forge a more gender-balanced world.

Roopa Farooki is a fourth-year graduate entry medic and published author. She is about to launch a series of children books about black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) women in science.

What inspired the books? And what are they about?

When I started medical school, I’d already written six literary novels, so I didn’t have any great ambition to write another. But I thought it would be amazing to write something that my four young children could read. It turns out that writing for children is really hard, and I’m no Roald Dahl, so I wrote something like a thousand pages of fiction before I found the right story.

You can read the full interview here.

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MSt tutor Harry Man’s “Greatist Hits II” (with SJ Fowler) to be published by Kingston University Press

Greatist Hits II: The Selected Collaborations of Harry Man and SJ Fowler by MSt tutor Harry Man, and SJ Fowler is to be published by Kingston University Press in 2019.

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MSt alumna Blanka Čechová’s novel “Total Balkans” best rated Czech book on GoodReads  

MSt alumna Blanka Čechová’s novel Total Balkans is the best rated Czech book on GoodReads .

From the cover: “Can billions be embezzled hundred by hundred? Does democratization make sense? And does an individual have any chance to make a difference inside a huge organization? A young lawyer sets out for a breathtaking mission in Kosovo to find the answers. She witnesses crushing injustice, survives a line of incredible adventures, disillusions and doubts, and finally, she becomes the black sheep inside the respected organization and the hero of local people, who realize that somebody finally cares.”

The English version of the book is available on Amazon

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MSt alumna Kiran Millwood Hargrave’s “The Deathless Girls”, a reinterpreting of Dracula, to be published by Orion Children’s Books’ Bellatrix

MSt alumna Kiran Millwood Hargrave’s reinterpretation of Dracula is to be published by Orion Children’s Books’ new YA feminist series, Bellatrix.

From The Bookseller
“Millwood Hargrave has written The Deathless Girls – the untold story of the brides of Dracula. 17-year-old Lil and her twin sister Kizzy are captured and enslaved by the Boyar Valcar, taken far away from their traveller community. Forced to work in the castle kitchens, Lil meets Mira, a fellow slave girl she feels inexplicably drawn to. But she also learns about the Dragon – a mysterious figure of myth who takes young girls as gifts.”

Read more about it on The Bookseller.

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MSt tutor Alice Jolly’s “Mary Ann Sate, Imbecile” on the Walter Scott Prize Academy Recommends list

MSt tutor Alice Jolly’s novel Mary Ann Sate, Imbecile (published by Unbound) is one of the Walter Scott Prize Academy’s Recommends for 2019.

From the announcement: “Announcing the Academy list, chair of Judges Alistair Moffatt said:

“We are delighted to unveil our Academy’s ‘recommended’ list, offering readers a further selection of twenty superb novels from the UK, Africa, Australia and beyond.  The Walter Scott Prize Academy, expanded this year to include book bloggers and international book festival directors, is playing an important role in bringing superlative historical fiction from further afield to public attention, as well as recognizing home grown talent.” “

Read more about the list here.

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MSt alumna Hazel Barkworth’s novel “Heatstroke” to be published by Headline Review in 2020

MSt alumna Hazel Barkworth’s debut novel Heatstroke is to be published by Headline Review in 2020. From the Bookseller:

Headline’s sister imprint Headline Review has snapped up the “heady and compulsive” debut novel from Hazel Barkworth in a pre-empt deal.

Commissioning editor Frankie Edwards acquired world rights from Lucy Morris at Curtis Brown. Heatstroke will be published as a lead hardback in early summer 2020.

The novel is about the impact on three women of a teacher-pupil relationship. The synopsis says:  “It would be fair to assume this book is about 15-year-old Lily, who disappears at the beginning of a long, hot summer. But this isn’t the story you think you’re reading…”

Read more about it on The Bookseller

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MSt tutor Jenny Lewis and Michael Schmidt: events in Oxford, 27 Feb 2019

MSt tutor Jenny Lewis and poet Michael Schmidt at two events in Oxford on 27 Feb 2019
2.00-3.00pm Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Gilgamesh the Escapologist – on the instability of texts and translations –

5.30-6.30pm Kellogg College, Banbury Road, Oxford
Recalibrating the Epic of Gilgamesh for the 21st Century – How can one poem speak in such different voices and authorise such different responses?

Both events are free and there will be refreshments served at Kellogg from 5.00pm onwards.

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MSt tutor Jane Draycott’s poem “India” on London Underground

MSt tutor Jane Draycott’s poem “India” is a Poem on the Underground, in London.

From the Poetry Society’s announcement:
Poems on the Underground
The Poetry Society and Poems on the Underground join forces to promote one of Britain’s most successful public art projects. As well as being displayed on underground trains throughout the capital, school members of The Poetry Society receive a set of Poems on the Underground posters each time they are released. Poems are selected by Judith Chernaik, Imtiaz Dharker, and George Szirtes.

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